Spider's Silk Bazaar

Spider's Silk is a secret organization with agents in the shadows. They actively sell and trades items of worth on the Black Market. Their stock includes magical and accursed artifacts of plenty, A finesse of alchemic enhancers from the Yanxia and Thavnair, and unusual/peculiar creatures...The stock is one of a kind and changes from time to time. If a character is interested in what is sold. They can talk to a trader should they find them. These items are one time buys and an individual may only acquire one 'Limited Time Offer' per week Icly. They may purchase 'Alchemic potions Enhancers' in bulk. ((All items are sold ICly no actual OOCly gil.)) If there is an item of particular interest a character may want. It is possible Spider's Silk can acquire it for a fee. Every two weeks the roster may change and when an item is claimed. ((Disclaimer: ICly sales are final. Scroll down for Music and <back>))

- Alchemic Potion Enhancers -

- Limited time offer -

- Mystic Creatures and Beasts -

Forgotten Blade

A sheathed blade able to mimic any elemental properties of a creature or beast. It is believed to have once belonged to a Blue Mage well before the Masked Carnivale. The secrets it holds are still unknow for a fair price.

Lotus FAN

Originating from the Far East, this intricately crafted fan is adorned with Doman lotus blossoms. When unfurled, it releases a soothing aura that pacifies aggression and calms turbulent emotions. Stolen from a Doman noble's collection, it has become a valuable tool for negotiators and diplomats seeking to manipulate the emotions of those around them. Fan includes detachable knives

Voidforged Shurkien

Crafted in the dark, this shuriken is said to be a weapon of choice for assassins. Infused with voidsent essence, it can phase in and out of reality, making it nearly impossible to evade. Rumors circulate that it once belonged to a prominent rogue. Beware of corruption. Comes in different colors

Tome of the Horrors

Tomes from Mhach that speak of the mastery of Shadowmancy. The book seems to hold a spiritual teacher and those looking to dabble in dark arts? May find themselves a new mentor as well.

Sil'dih Hourglass

Forged in the deserts of Sil'dih, this hourglass contains enchanted sands that can manipulate the terrain around them. A untraveled road for those looking to delve deeper into geomancy.

Crypt lurker's tongue

Said to be harvested from the abyssal depths of an abandoned Amdapori crypt, the Crypt Lurker's Tongue is a sinister artifact coveted by dark sorcerers and clandestine cults. Encased in a vial. The tongue can sense danger or give an individual a 'Sixth Sense'. Tongue must be fed

Aether Lighter

A sacred lighter that can collect spells or aether into its chambers. This light never burns out but can release a storm of fire magic. It also has the ability to collect a spell and fire it back at a target.

Garlean Cloak

Woven from the obsidian threads of Garlemald's secret operatives, this shadowcloak grants the wearer the ability to blend seamlessly into their surroundings. The cloak's creation is shrouded in mystery, with rumors suggesting it was crafted by a defector from within the Empire seeking to undermine their own military.

Cursed Hand cannon

A hand cannon that fires off aether draining rounds. The gun itself never needs to be reloaded as the rounds are made from the shadows. The more shade that is provided to the user. The stronger the rounds are.

Twilight Chainmail

Crafted in the hidden forges of Ishgard's clandestine artisans, the Twilight Chainmail is a black market gem shrouded in mystique. Whispers among the black market dealers suggest a forbidden alchemical process involving the infusion of dragon's blood, giving the wearer an uncanny affinity with the elusive nature of twilight.

Totem Gauntlets

These sleek gauntlets can generate a temporary field that disrupts magical barriers and protections. Originally designed for infiltration missions in lands rich with aetherial defenses, the Nullifier Gauntlets have become highly coveted on the black market as a countermeasure against powerful magical foes.

Chimera Lynxes

Description: Lynxes with features borrowed from various mythical creatures, such as dragon wings, snake tails, and lion manes. These chimeric beings are known for their unpredictable behavior and diverse array of magical abilities.
Rarity: Rare due to the complexity of their hybrid nature, and capturing them requires a skilled and daring handler.
Special Attribute: Chimera lynxes possess a mix of abilities inherited from their mythical components, ranging from elemental breath attacks to mesmerizing gazes.

Bat Sylphs

Description: Sylph-like bats that emerge only under the light of the moon, with wings that resemble delicate ethereal leaves. These creatures are associated with the fae and are believed to carry messages between the mortal and magical realms.
Rarity: Uncommon, as they are elusive and often associated with mystical ceremonies, making them highly valued in certain magical communities.
Special Attribute: Nocturnal bat sylphs are rumored to have a connection to the whispering winds, allowing them to transmit messages over vast distances when properly trained.

Vortex tigers

Description: Tigers with fur that appears as if it contains a swirling vortex of red energy. These creatures are rumored to be the result of a forbidden magical experiment, and their gaze is said to be able to mesmerize those who meet their eyes.
Rarity: Uncommon, as they are the product of dark magic and often hunted by authorities, making them sought after by collectors of forbidden curiosities.
Special Attribute: Crimson vortex tigers are rumored to possess a limited ability to manipulate the flow of aether, allowing them to create brief illusions or disturbances.

Naga serpents

Description: Serpents with scales that glimmer with astral patterns, reflecting the energies of the cosmos. Astral serpent nagas are believed to be guardians of ancient knowledge and gatekeepers to hidden realms.
Rarity: Extremely rare, as they are associated with the secrets of the universe and protected by ancient orders.
Special Attribute: Astral serpent nagas are said to possess the ability to induce visions or glimpses into possible futures when in the presence of individuals attuned to mystical forces.

Drake Hatchlings

Description: These dragon hatchlings are believed to be touched by the stars, with scales that shimmer like the night sky. Legends claim that they bring blessings from the heavens and possess a connection to astral magic.
Rarity: Extremely rare, as they are considered sacred in many cultures and often protected by laws governing mythical creatures.
Special Attribute: Celestial dragon hatchlings are said to have the ability to amplify the power of nearby magical auras, making them highly sought after by mages.

Eldritch Owls

Description: These owls are associated with ancient and eldritch knowledge. Their feathers are said to be inscribed with forgotten runes that glow faintly in the presence of magical artifacts.
Rarity: Rare, as they are considered sacred by some, and their capture is often prohibited.
Special Attribute: Eldritch owl familiars are believed to have a connection to the spirit world, allowing them to perceive magical disturbances and disturbances in the aether.

Phantom Hounds

Description: Phantom hounds with transparent bodies, their form flickering as if caught between the material and ethereal planes. Soulbound phantom hounds are said to be guardians of forgotten tombs and spectral gateways.
Rarity: Rare, as they are often associated with ancient burial sites and the crossing between life and death.
Special Attribute: Soulbound phantom hounds are rumored to have the ability to detect residual echoes of strong emotions, allowing them to guide seekers to places rich with spiritual energy.

Bone Wyverns

Description: These skeletal wyverns are remnants of ancient creatures brought back to an eerie semblance of life by forbidden necromantic arts. Their bones are adorned with ethereal, ghostly flames that flicker with a pale, cold light.
Rarity: Rare and often considered taboo due to their connection to dark magic and the undead.
Special Attribute: Spectral bone wyverns are rumored to have a haunting cry that can instill fear in the hearts of those who hear it, and their presence is said to draw shadows closer, creating an unsettling atmosphere.

Dormant Kitsunes

Description: Born under the starlit skies of Yanxia, Starlight Kitsunes are mischievous fox-like creatures with fur that shimmers like the night sky. These playful companions enjoy leading adventurers on whimsical journeys through moonlit landscapes, leaving behind a trail of stardust
Rarity: Extremely rare and are prohibited from hunting.
Special Attribute: Can always guide one to the closet aetheryte, or cast a temporary glamour.

Thundra'la (Koala)

Description: Found in the Churning mists, the Crystalbound Koalas are charming marsupials corrupted by shimmering crystals that now adorn their fur and limbs. The crystals pulsate with an otherworldly energy, casting an eerie glow that contrasts with their natural charm.
Rarity: Extremely rare, as these corrupted koalas are the result of a peculiar convergence of over exposure and are often feared for their unpredictable levin-infused abilities.
Special Attribute: Crystalbound Koalas harness the power of levin, channeling electric currents through the crystals that cling to their bodies. Their levin-infused attacks can both stun adversaries and provide a unique source of aetheric energy for nearby spellcasting. While their corrupted nature is unsettling, those who can form a bond with these koalas may find them to be loyal and formidable companions.

Spider's Silk

An ethereal potion crafted from the elusive threads of enchanted spiders. When consumed, Spider's Silk enhances the imbiber's agility and reflexes, granting them the grace and precision of the mystical arachnid.

Mental Sensation: A surge of heightened awareness and focus envelops the mind, akin to the delicate yet intricate threads of a spider's web. Thoughts become precise, and the world seems to move in a more deliberate, graceful rhythm.

Physical Sensation: A tingling sensation courses through the body, as if delicate silk threads are weaving their way around the muscles and joints. The imbiber experiences a lightness and nimbleness, akin to the effortless movements of a spider.

Dragon's Breath

A potent alchemical concoction derived from the essence of ancient dragons. When imbibed, Dragon's Breath grants the user the ability to exhale a controlled burst of fire, offering both a formidable offensive weapon and a means of intimidation.

Mental Sensation: A roaring blaze of confidence engulfs the mind, as if the fiery essence of ancient dragons has ignited a fearless determination within. Thoughts burn with clarity, and a surge of power courses through the user's mental faculties.

Physical Sensation: A warming heat emanates from within, as if an internal furnace has been ignited. The breath feels charged with energy, and the body radiates a controlled warmth. The physical sensation is empowering, evoking a sense of inner fire.

Fae Pheromones

This enchanting elixir captures the essence of the enigmatic fae. When worn, Fae Pheromones enhance charisma and charm, making the user irresistibly appealing to those around them. It also grants a subtle influence over emotions, fostering goodwill and cooperation.

Mental Sensation: A gentle enchantment settles over the mind, creating a serene and alluring mental landscape. Social interactions feel effortless, and the user experiences a subtle, joyful resonance with the emotions of those around them.

Physical Sensation: An ethereal and gentle warmth spreads through the skin, creating a soft, radiant glow. The body feels lighter, and movements take on an otherworldly grace. There's a subtle magnetism in the air, drawing others toward the enchanting aura.

Mortal Essence

A potion crafted to enhance the physical and mental capabilities of mortal beings. Mortal Essence provides a temporary boost in strength, endurance, and cognitive function, making it a popular choice for adventurers preparing for challenging quests or battles.

Mental Sensation: A surge of vitality and mental acuity floods the consciousness, imbuing the mind with a sense of unyielding strength and clarity. Thoughts become sharp, and a feeling of indomitable spirit pervades the mental realm.

Physical Sensation: A surge of vitality pulses through the veins, invigorating every cell. Muscles feel strong and responsive, and the body is infused with a lasting, robust energy. The physical sensation is one of enduring strength and resilience.

Fire Fly

A luminescent potion infused with the essence of fireflies. When consumed, Fire Fly grants the ability to emit a warm, glowing light from the user's body, providing illumination in dark environments. Additionally, it offers a degree of fire resistance, making the user less susceptible to heat-based attacks.

Mental Sensation: A warm and comforting mental glow envelops the user, like the soft radiance of fireflies in the night. Thoughts are illuminated with a gentle clarity, and a sense of calm resilience against mental challenges prevails.

Physical Sensation: A comforting warmth envelops the body, and the skin seems to emit a gentle, ambient light. There's a subtle, protective barrier against heat, and the physical form feels as if it's been embraced by the soothing glow of fireflies.

Agent V

A mysterious elixir with transformative properties, Agent V allows the user to temporarily assume the form of a specific creature or person. The potion requires detailed knowledge of the target, and the transformation is not without limitations, but it provides a valuable tool for espionage and disguise in the magical realm.

Mental Sensation: A subtle, transformative energy sweeps through the mind, bringing with it a shroud of adaptability and cunning. Thoughts become fluid and versatile, mirroring the ability to assume different forms and personas with ease.

Physical Sensation: A fluid and adaptable quality permeates the body, allowing for a seamless transition between forms. There's a slight, tingling metamorphic sensation as the physical structure adjusts, creating a sensation of transformative potential.